Monday, December 29, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook entry for December 29th

I'm still trying to get the hang of this, but here's my first Simple Woman's Daybook entry:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Outside my window...

It is sunny and although it is cold, it is warmer than it has been.

I am thinking...
There are things I need to gather for my husband for a meeting tomorrow evening, and I should not procrastinate!

I am thankful for...
My husband and his steady, reliable job and my children and their laughter and noise, even when it gets a little "too" loud. And finally for the gift of this pregnancy.

From the learning rooms...
We have a short break for the rest of the week, as the cousins are coming!

From the kitchen...
I made an 8-yolk butter cake with cocoa icing for my father's birthday! We also managed to get some Forgotten Cookies in the oven, but the meringue does not seem to want to set just right.

I am wearing...
Loose and comfortable clothing since I am starting to "feel" pregnant!

I am creating...
A baby blanket on a Knifty Knitter for our expected little one.

I am going...
To stay at home today and just try to relax as I am not feeling too well.

I am reading...
Aside from the Bible, I am also taking a break from "school" and books this week to prepare for our expected company.

I am hoping...
To be able to find all of the paperwork my husband needs tomorrow, as my children constantly relocate things in their efforts to "help" - and somehow do not always put things in the proper designated spot.

I am hearing...
The last of the Christmas music on a local radio station.

Around the house...
I have neatened up a little bit, cleaned up the kitchen and a few areas in the dining room and am generally pleased that I made some progress despite being sick.

One of my favorite things...
Receiving Christmas cards from family and friends.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Tuesday: Finding the rest of that paperwork for my husband!
Wednesday: Three doctor appointments for my high-risk pregnancy, including an ultra sound -- I will get to see the growth of my precious little one!!!

Thursday: Spending time with my husband, who as the day off!!

Friday: Going to the hospital to be supportive as my mother gets back surgery.

Saturday: Visiting with my sister and my nieces! Church tonight!!!

Sunday: Finalizing January homeschool schedules, making sure my three public schooled children have their homework ready for the morning, logging in to my online college to prepare for the week's work.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Thanks for stopping by!!!

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

A book that touched me deeply...

We try to make the season of Advent special. Last year we wrapped up many Christmas movies and placed them in a basket to be unwrapped each night. The year before that we all found a treasure each morning - usually something small like a pencil or a peppermint. Sometimes there are projects, sometimes interesting poems and songs. There are always devotionals that accompany our special time as a family each evening. This year during Advent each evening a member our family unwrapped a winter/Christmas book to read to the children. The books ranged from childhood favorites to wintry books the children received as gifts in years past, and of course included the story of Jesus' birth as well as the classic "Night Before Christmas", all read while pjs were on and all followed by our customary Advent devotion. There were several evenings where activity kept us late and we skipped the reading, but overall we were able to enjoy many touching, fun and whimsical stories. However, the book my husband chose to read on Christmas day itself touched me very deeply -- so much that I find myself still pondering the message, turning the story over and over again in my mind.

The story is called "The Story of the Other Wise Man" - or sometimes "The Fourth Wise Man" - and was written by Henry van Dyke circa 1896. (For a review, I've included a link to amazon: There are so many lessons in this very short tale, the most important that we should seek Christ constantly, and that we will indeed find Him. I've marveled over the beauty found in this simple story -- how this wise man gave all he owned to bring treasures to the king -- and how he spent those treasures in other ways before finding Jesus at last.

I don't want to give away the entire story before anyone has had a chance to read it. Suffice it to say that it touched me in such a way that made me cry...for my own selfishness, for my own lack of deep faith at times, for my own thoughtlessness at times when dealing with others. I have been really praying in the last few days that this lesson of faith and love will stick with me.

I really hope and pray you will get the opportunity to read this precious story, and that it will touch your heart as thoroughly as it has touched my own. May God richly bless you in 2009!